Mount Pleasant Area School District Students Only (Fall 2017)
WPISL is sponsored by MPIAA for students of the Mount Pleasant Area School District
Slow pitch softball for students in 7th to 12th grade
Season runs mid-August to end of October
7th & 8th grades (Junior High) games will be on Sundays
9th - 11th grades (Junior Varsity) games will be on Saturdays
9th - 12th grades (Varsity) games will be on Sundays (Double Header)
*Levels of participation will be based on total program interest
Travel to local/Pittsburgh surrounding schools
Home games will be at Frick Park
Mandatory Try-Outs will be on August 3rd and 4th at 6 PM at Frick Park
For more information visit: WPISL Website
$65 FEE IS ONLY DUE UPON MAKING THE FINAL ROSTER. SIGN UP AND TRYOUT ARE FREE OF CHARGE. Optional fundraising will be made available. **Scholarships for low income families available**
Fee covers - game jersey, field time, umpires, game balls, club insurance, etc.
Fee excludes - red jersey pants, royal blue socks, travel to and from games, etc.
For more information call Randy - 724-593-1617